For Acne and Acne Marks:
-regulalry change ur pillow cases and dont touch your face with hands or nails. keep your towels and other accessories separate.
-drink lots of water and try to eat fresh fruits, juices, vegs and non oily foods.
-Normally, pimples and acne are associated with an oily skin. In case these occur on a dry skin then this is the ideal treatment. Take a few tomatoes and puree them. Freeze the puree into cubes (in an ice cube tray). Store these frozen tomato ice cubes in a bag or a container in the freezer. During the day, apply one cube each on either cheek, all the time rubbing gently. Repeat the treatment everday. A very effective way of getting rid of pimples.
-always use water base creams for face and dont use soap as it is harsh for skin. my own kitchen remedy for acne is which is quite effective too, take one egg white and add some powdered champhore in it apply it gently over ur skin and then leave it to dry and afterwards wash your face with luke warm water it will help a will also help you tighten your pores.
-Rub raw garlic on the face. It even removes the scars on repeated application. Garlic Juice with 3 parts water is an excellent cleansing agent.
-Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.
-To help diminish the appearance of Tan complexion,acne scars, freckles and age spots, gently rub a cut lemon and 1/2 teaspoon sugar granules over the skin for a few minutes. Repeat at least thrice a week until the darkened areas fade.
My thoughts & opinions; general views about the society. Makeup and beauty articles. Women Lifestyle and daily routine guide. Cosmetic reviews and beauty tips. Health & Lifestyle advice. Nails, face, eyes and lips makeup.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Get Rid of Acne

Get Fair & Clear Skin
- Mix banana with honey and apply on ur face and massage for 10 min.Then leave it for 10 min and wash ur face.Do it everday it not only makes ur skin fair it also makes it very clear.U can see the results within 10 days.
- Boil finely chopped apple in qtr cup milk.Apply it on ur face & keep it for 10 min evrday.You may feel bit oily intially but it gives you very clear skin and makes ur skin very soft.
- 1.Cleanse your face with Cleansing cream or Milk.
2.Apply apricot or papaya ever youth scrub and massage your face for 10 min.
3.Take a steam for 5 min.
4.Wash your face.
5.Finally massage your face with any of these fruits depending upon ur skin like papaya,Bannana,Orange & kep it for 10 min.
6.Then wash your face.
Do this once in a week,it removes all the dirt and makes ur skin fresh and fair
- Beetroot - 1(peeled)
Banana - 1
Honey - 2Tbsp
Grind all the ingredients into fine paste. Cleanse your face and neck and apply it for 30mins
- lemon juice(fresh)
mix them in equal quantities n apply them on yur face for 10-15 mins really works wonder

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Honey & Cinnamon
Every morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and again at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water.
If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person.
Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body, even though the person may eat a high calorie diet
Take three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it the next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.
Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before a bath and keep it for approximately 15 minutes, and then wash the hair.
It is very effective even if it is kept for 5 minutes as well.
People of South America:
The first thing in the morning they gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water. so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.
Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey, and apply on the aching tooth. This may be done 3 times a day (daily) till such time, that the tooth has stopped aching.
Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon of luke warm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days.
This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.

Hair Styles
High Point: Gather all the hair to the back of the head and make a high ponytail. Take 3 nets and pin it on the ponytail. Divide the ponytail into 3 sections. Fold the first section into two layers and cover the hair with the net. Roll the hair with two fingers and place it on top of the ponytail and secure with a pin inside. Repeat the same with the other 2 sections of the hair and secure the rolls. Secure the rolls above the ponytail with pins.
Beehive:Gather all the hair at the back of your head. Hold all the hair in one hand and twist until it doubles back on itself. Secure by placing a pin, just catching the hair centrally, leaving out the sides. Fan out the ends by separating the hair into fluffy loose curls, and pin them as you want.
French Connection: Part the hair sideways at the front. Comb back a section of the hari from the crown and braid it. Secure with an elastic band. Draw all the remaining hair to the back of your head and wrap it around one hand, from right to left. Roll the hair inwards, so that the end is tucked in smoothly. Begining at the bottom of the roll, secure it with pins. Fold the braided hair into two (based on hair length) and place it over the pin area, and secure onto the top of the roll using a pin.
Curly Wurly: Part the hair in the centre, from the forehead to the middle of the crown. Smoothen out the hair at the back and secure into a ponytail with an elastic band. For the hair in front, take small sections (about 1 inch) from the hairline to the crown, twist 3 or 4 turns and secure it with a pin over the ponytail. Divide off a small section of the hair from the ponytail. Holding the end, twist the hair until it rolls back on itself to form a coil. Position the coil in a loop and secure using hairpins. Continue in this manner, till all the hair can be coiled.
Queen of Braids: Gather a portion of hair at your temple and divide into 3 equal parts. Braid the first 2 turns the normal way. Take a few strands of loose hair from the side of the head and add to the part you are braiding. Continue to take up loose hair and weave into a braid gathering strands alternately from each side. Entwine the parts as you go along. Stop when it reaches the nape of your neck. Repeat the same steps on the other side of your face. Make a simple plait using the two side braids and the loose hair at the centre. Continue braiding till complete.
Honey Bun: Part the hair in the centre in a zigzag style from the forehead to the middle of the crown and then make a high ponytail at the back. Take approximately one third of the hair, from the top of the ponytail, braid till the end, and them secure with an elastic band. Gather the remaining hair of the ponytail and twist it, making sure all loose ends are tucked in. Bring the hair up and around, pinning it underneath to form a bun. Wrap the braid around the bun and secure the ends with a pin underneath. Now, gather the hair in the front and tuck it under the bun at the back, for a perfect finish.
Low Behold!: Part the hair at the centre, from hairline to the middle of the crown. Make a braid on both sides till the ear and secure it. Gather the rest of the hair into a low ponytail at the back. Roll the haif from underneath using two fingers and forma a low bun. Use a net to secure bun in place. Bring the brairded hair towards the ponytail from either sie and overlap or roll over the pony, depending on the length of the hair. Secure it in place with a pin.
Hairstyle Ideas
How to select a suitable hairstyle for you.
Hairstyles: You have to remember that just because you like a certain hairstyle that does not mean it will work for you. Hairstyles depend on the shape of your face and the texture of your hair. If its curly or straight. It all depends on how much maintenance your willing to do.
If you have Straight Hair: Of course we want to have wavy curly hair. You know that jump out of the shower hair. It takes mousse and or gel and a blow dryer. A nice soft perm or a texture perm will help. (How to do a Perm.)
If you have Curly Hair: Weather for example, hot and humid for curly hair spells disaster. Most people I know who have curly hair want it straight. Using the right hair care product in your hair before you blow-dry, is critical.
The right hairstyle begins by the shape of your face
Oval-shaped face
You're lucky - this is the kind of face shape that suits just about any hairstyle. Both long and short hair cuts look great on you, as your face shape is well balanced. The chin and forehead of an oval face shape are in even proportion.
Avoid covering up your perfect face shape with heavy bangs or wearing your hair on your face. You'll lose your face shape and it may add weight to your face.
Round face
Hairstyles with fullness and height at the crown will give the impression of a narrower face. Try a cut with layers while keeping the sides close to your face to make your face appear longer. Round faces suit either short hairstyles swept back from your forehead, or hairstyles that are longer than chin length. Wispy fringes and side parts are also good.
Avoid chin length hair, center parts, fullness at the sides of ears, straight "chopped bangs - these wll all emphasise the shape of your face.
Heart-shaped face
The heart shaped face is widest at the temples and narrowest at the chin, which can appear pointy. Short hair and chin length hair often looks great on this face shape, as the fullness can even out the jaw and chin lines. Chin length bobs, short shags, swept forward layers and wispy bangs all work well.
Avoid full styles that emphasise the upper face without balancing out your narrow chin. Too much height at the crown and tapered necklines will make you look top heavy.
Rectangular, Long face
If your face is long and slender, with your forehead and below cheeks about the same width, hairstyles that balance out the length of your face work best for you. These include short (Short hairstyles) to medium lengths (Medium hairstyles) with fullness at the sides and soft wispy bangs. This will shorten the length and add width to your face. Layered styles work well and add softness to the straight lines of your face.
Avoid too much length, it will only make your face look longer. Too much height will also lengthen your face.
Square face
If your face is square, with a strong, square jaw line and often an equally square hairline, the right hairstyles for you are ones that soften the square look of your face. Short to medium length hair cuts, with soft wispy bangs and a wave or curl will compliment and balance out your straight face shape. If you hair is straight, maybe consider a body wave . Side parts and fullness/height at the crown can add length to your square face shape.
Avoid straight styles - long straight hair, blunt bangs, straight bobs and center parts, as they will emphasise your square jawline.
Triangle face
If you face is triangle, with a wider chin that narrows at the forehead, you want to stick to styles that narrow your chin and widen the forehead. This will balance out your features. Shorter hair can often balance our your prominent jaw line, as well as styles that are full at the temples that taper at the jaw. Off center parts, wedges and shags are also good styles for you. Lots of layers will give you the fullness through the upper part of your face.
Avoid Styles that are full at the jawline and center parts.
Full forehead, long chin
If your forehead is large and your chin long, it can help to add volume below the chin line to balance it out. A thick layered cut or mid-length bob will add fullness where it's needed. Bangs can also reduce the look of a full forehead.
Large features
Full hair can help downplay a large nose or other feature and can help balance out large features. Straight hair, parted down the middle or a long, heavy fringe will make a larger nose seem even more prominent. Subtle highlights in your hair can help by drawing the eye towards the hair and away from the face.
Long or short neck
A long, graceful neck is a beautiful and desireable feature and should be shown off and considered when choosing a hairstyle. Short hair can really show off your neck, however long hair can also add to your already graceful neck when worn in an elegant style, like a twist or updo.
If you want a short hairstyle and your neck is short, create the appearance of length by tapering your hair at the base of the neck and fuller on top.
To get the perfect hairstyle choose the right hair
The easiest and best way to find a new hairstylist is to ask some one you see with a hairstyle that you like while your in the the mall or other stores. Make sure it is someone who has hair similar to yours. I know from experience it is very flattering and no one will mind telling you where he or she goes. Remember be careful of cheap haircutting shops. Remember you get what you pay for!
Another place to look is at actresses and actors are pretty much up to date. The daytime soaps or catalogs. I know for long hair {Victoria Secrets} is very good. Your store catalogs are also a good source. You can buy a hair magazine at your local grocery store with all the latest hairstyles.
What Hair Care Products should you use?
There are lots and lots of hair care products out there, My suggestion is stay away from store bought shampoo and conditioning products. If you want something that works, use professional salon shampoo and conditioner. Also remember you wear your hair everyday. Its worth spending a little extra money on a quality salon shampoo and conditioner. You might spend that money on a shirt you wear maybe once a month, WHY NOT SPEND A LITTLE TO GET A LOT. If your hair looks good you will feel better about yourself
Hairstyling Tools: Tips and Tricks
When you look today at the sheer number of tools and appliances available todayto assist you in styling your hair, it's easy to get confused. What do I need? Will thatwork on my hair? What does THIS thing do? There are dozens of tools designed to helpyou curl, crimp, smooth and straighten your hair. Here are some basics on the toolsavailable, what they're best used for and some tips on how to use them:
Combs and Brushes: Many people still don't understand the basic principles behindthe different comb and brush types available. Here's a quick primer: Wide-toothedCombs are designed to detangle and smooth out towel-dried hair. For best results, use adetangling spray or leave-in conditioner before combing out towel-dried hair. Smaller-toothed Combs are used for smoothing and finishing short or straight hairstyles.
For brushes, the idea is similar but there are more varieties: A Vented Brush has multiplerows of tines (widely-set) along a base with air holes or openings to allow air to circulateeasily. Vented brushes are designed for use with blow-dryers to control the hair duringthe drying process. Round or Curved Brushes have rows of tines on a round or curvedbase and are designed for use in blow-dry styling to add soft curves to the styles.Paddle Brushes have rows of tines on a flat base and are used in blow-dry straightenedstyles to keep the hair smooth and flat. Bristled Brushes can have natural or syntheticbristles and are used for finishing and smoothing a style, or for distributing natural hairoils and massaging the scalp to maintain hair and scalp health.
Blow Dryer: Hand-held hair dryers have become a staple in hair care. These toolsare designed to use directed streams of heated air to dry the hair quickly. A good blow-dryer will come with both a concentrator and a diffuser attachment. The concentratorattachment is designed to further narrow the stream of air, and direct it better. It is usedmost often to bow-dry hair into straighter/smoother styles. The diffuser attachment isdesigned to soften the air stream and distribute the heated air for a gentler flow. Thediffuser is used most often to dry curly hair without straightening the curl.
# 1: When blow-drying the hair, ALWAYS use a good protective conditionerbeforehand.
# 2: Direct the air stream along the hair shaft at an angle toward the ends ofthe hair. This minimizes the risk of the hot air roughing up the cuticle of the hair andleaves the finished style looking smoother.
# 3: Keep the air stream moving and always hold the dryer at least 6-8 inchesaway from the hair. Most incidents of damaged hair from blow-dry styling come as aresult of holding the hair in the heated air stream too long
Hot Rollers: These tools use a combination of heat and/or moisture to change thecurl pattern of the hair. Designed to be used on dry hair, hot rollers work by wrappingsegments of hair around the heated tools, and leaving the tools in place until they cool.One factor that works as a plus for hot rollers is convenience. You can wrap your hair inhot rollers and then continue to get ready while they cool and "set".
Finish dressing, apply your make-up, have breakfast, or do anything you need to while you let the rollers cool. Once cooled, remove the rollers and style your hair as desired.
# 1: Always make sure the hair is wrapped smoothly and held securely in therollers. Good tension in the roller ensures that you get the best curl result.
# 2: A light misting of hairspray on the wrapped rollers will give a little extrahold and "lift" to the curled hairstyle.
# 3: Make certain that your hair is completely dry before using the hot rollersand ALWAYS let the rollers cool COMPLETELY before removing them. Most of theincidents of poor results from using hot rollers come as a result of having still-damp hairbefore using the rollers, or from taking down the rollers before they have completelycooled. Remember heat and moisture will break the side bonds needed to change thecurl pattern of the hair, but they don't get reset into the new curl pattern until the hair isagain cooled and dry.
Curling Irons/Flat Irons: Similar to hot rollers, curling irons and flat irons use heat(and in the case of curling irons, occasionally a little moisture) to change the curl patternof the hair. The main difference is that the curling iron lets you add curl in specific places(the flat iron let's you straighten target sections of the hair).You can style your hair in a myriad of ways and then use the curling iron to add curlsonly where you want them, or use the flat iron to give a smooth sleek finish.Curling irons come in a variety of sizes from tiny, pencil-thin barrels for tight spirals, tolarge barrels for big soft curls. Similarly, flat irons come in varying widths to give finercontrol. Generally, the longer your hair is, the larger the curling iron you want to use.With flat irons, the larger the heating surfaces on the flat iron, the larger the segmentthat can be straightened will be.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Honey & Beauty
Honey contains small amounts of a wide array of vitamins and minerals, including niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc? Along with its multiple vitamin content, honey is a humectant, which means it attracts and retains moisture. And why stop there? Honey also acts as an anti-irritant, making it suitable for sensitive skin and baby care products–and it contains a variety of flavonoids and phenolic acids which act as antioxidants, scavenging and eliminating free radicals.
Honey Cleansing Scrub
Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons finely ground almonds and 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice. Rub gently onto face. Rinse off with warm water.
Firming Face Mask
Whisk together 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon glycerin (available at drug and beauty stores) and enough flour to form a paste (approximately 1/4 cup). Smooth over face and throat. Leave on 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Smoothing Skin Lotion
Mix 1 teaspoon honey with 1 teaspoon vegetable oil and 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice. Rub into hands, elbows, heels and anywhere that feels dry. Leave on 10 minutes. Rinse off with water.
Skin Softening Bath
Add 1/4 cup honey to bath water for a fragrant, silky bath.
Hair Shine
Stir 1 teaspoon honey into 4 cups (1 quart) warm water. Blondes may wish to add a squeeze of lemon. After shampooing, pour mixture through hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as normal
sweet honey of a bath formula
Herbalists have praised honey as a beauty aid for centuries with very good reason. It is a terrific humectant–meaning it helps our skin to retain moisture, making it softer and smoother, and rejuvenating our appearance.
When we invite the golden sweetness of honey into our tub, it becomes a skin-nourishing treat for body and soul. Let the bees show you the way to smoother, fresher-looking skin:
2 tablespoons honey
1 cup hot water
2 drops lavender essential oil (optional)
1. Dissolve the honey in the hot water, then add essential oil and stir to mix.
2. Pour mixture into bathwater and soak for 10 to 15 minutes
Every morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and again at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water.
If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person.
Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body, even though the person may eat a high calorie diet
Take three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it the next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.
Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before a bath and keep it for approximately 15 minutes, and then wash the hair.
It is very effective even if it is kept for 5 minutes as well.
People of South America:
The first thing in the morning they gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water. so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.
Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey, and apply on the aching tooth. This may be done 3 times a day (daily) till such time, that the tooth has stopped aching.
Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon of luke warm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days.
This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses

Sunday, October 5, 2008
- Full Body Ubtan Formula (for general beauty massage)
4 tablespoons chickpea flower
2 tablespoons mustard or almond oil
1 teaspoon tumeric powder
1 teaspoon fenugreek powder
1 teaspoon wheat-germ oil
1/4 teaspoon rose oil. - Facial Ubtan Formula (for general facial ubtan) :
1 tablespoon almond paste
1 tablespoon cashew paste
1 1/2 teaspoons pistachio paste
1 tablespoon malai (skin of boiled milk)
1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
1 tablespoon rose water
1/4 cup red lentil paste
chickpea flower (to thicken)
Mix apply, let it dry, rub off and have a lukewarm water bath - 2 tblspn of besan
1/2 tblspn of turmeric
1 tblspn of sandalwood powder
mix all dis wid milk!
u cn use it at d time of bath or as a face wash or even as a face pack
iz simple
IT WILL HELP YOU TO GET FAIR AS WELL AS GLOWING SKIN ! - This ubtan can be used for cooling the body. Very good for skin with acne/blachead/whitehead. A bride to be can use this treatment everyday starting 30 days prior to her marriage
3 teaspoon chickpea fluor
1/4 spoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoon sandalwood powder
1 teaspoon neem powder
2 teaspoon ground cucumber
Rub the mixture onto face with gentle circular motion for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water - This ubtan can be applied to body to make it soft.
1 cup gram fluor
1/2 turmeric powder
2 teaspoon mustard powder
2 teaspoon crushes fresh coriander leaves
3 teaspoon rose water
Make a paste of this with 1 cup yogurt. Work into wet skin rigorously for 10 minutes and then wash off - Ubtan for stimulating lymph
This ubtan help increase lymph flow. Increased lymph flow removes harmful substances from the tissues and helps heal breakouts(acne)
3 teaspoon mung dal
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 teaspoon dried orange peel
1 teaspoon neem powder
Grind the above mixture and make a paste. Rub the paste onto face with small vigorous circular motion.
Note that the motion here is a little rigorous. do this for 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water - Ubtan for moistrurising
Ubtan is an age old ayurvedic beauty mixture used by brides to be for getting a healthy glowing skin. Ubtan paste draws heat from the body and stimulates lymph flow. Its also a very good exfoliant. They help is releasing toxins from the body cauing the skin to show a healthy glow.
Any ubtan should be massaged onto the face/body in gentle circular motions for 10 -15 minutes then washed off with lukewarm water.
Here is a ubtan recipe for deep moisturizing the skin. Very good for dry skin.
5-6 blanched almonds with skin removed
1/2 cup cream
2 tsp sesame oil
1 teaspoon tulsi powder
soak almonds in the cream overnight. In a food processor, combine the almonds with the cream, the sesame oil and tulsi powder.
Rub onto your face with gentle circular motion for 10-15 minutes.Rinse off with cool water - EXCELLENT HOMEMADE UBTAN
Baisan 125gm
Atta 125gm
Haldi powder 12gm
Sandal powder 12gm
keenu kay jhilkon ka powder 50 to 60gm
Mix them all and preserve it in a bottle. Use this ubtan daily by making paste either with water or with milk. You will see the excellent result just in two weeks. - Ingredients:
Haldi or Ubtan powder Ready made from market. 4tbl sp
baby oil 5-7 drops
rose water 1tbl sp
lime juice some drops
cucumber juice 1 tbl sp
milk for making paste.

Monday, September 8, 2008
AHA Exfoliators and Masks
- take half spoon of yogurt
add 4 spoons of orange juice..
miz n apply on face.. keep for 20 mins..
orange has all gud AHAs.. so it exfoliates very well..
n orange n yogurt wud not make ur skin oily too..
this pack is also considered anti aging, coz it removes dead cells n improve the new skin layer - exfoliate with sugar and milk cream. works wonders !!
- this contains oil so gud 2 use in winters..
can be used once in 10 days..
take around 3 normal bite size pieces of pineapple..
add 3 spoons of olive oil...
mix in blender..
now apply this mix on ur face
keep for 15 mins.. n wash with water

Lip Care
- Do not smack ur lips
- Keep lips moisturised wit vaseline or plain glycerine..u can add rose petals in glycerin
- apply balai on your lips b4 going to bed. Its natural and effective also . If you can add some honey in balai and then apply, it would be even better
- mix glycerine and rose water
- ghee is a also very good for chapped lips
- take one teaspoon of balai..and add a few drops of lemon in it...apply it on ur face and lips a swell...let it for 15 minz then cclean it with cotten and wash ur face...apply moisturizer after that............I M SURE UR SKIN WILL FEEL SILKY SOFT..AND UR LIPZ LIKE PETALZ
- for chapped lips, take a hot chapati.put sum desi ghee on it n apply dat desi ghee on ur lips
- apply mustard oil in ur navel.juz a it 4 a week n U ll see the difference
- Apply lemon juice on ur lips and wash it off after 15 minutes. Make sure u dont go into the sun after applying lemon juice.

Friday, September 5, 2008
Remove Tan
step 1 :
take sum yoghurt beat it , apply on ur face, neck, hands and feet and massage for 5 minutes den tissue off
step 2 :
take powder milk and make a paste of it in rose water massage similarly for 5 minutes n tissue off
Note : powder milk gets dry very quickly u can wet ur skin wid rose water or water 2 massage smoothly
step 3 :
make a pack of yoghurt, powder milk, pinch of turmeric and apply it leaving ur eye portions for 15-20 minutes
Note : do not talk after applying it similarly wen u apply any mask
after 15-20 minutes wash wid tap water don't use any soap aur face wash 4 atleast next 30 minutes
u can use it thrice a week

Natural Hair Dye
TAke dry potatoes atleast 5 put them in the water(1 Bowl) and leave it for one full day. like if u r putting them in water at 9Am morning then leave them for the next 9AM morning. okay.
Now wash ur hair wid tht water and u will see tht how gr8 it is
Shining black and beautiful hair.. 100%
Friday, August 29, 2008
Get Silky n Shiny hair
Follow these tips to make your hair more silky and soft.
- Use almond oil to massage your hair one day before washing your hair. Frequently massaging your hair with almond oil will help you to get silky and soft hair. Massaging is good for improving blood circulation and getting stronger hair.
- Apply paste made out of the leaves of hibiscus plant on your hair. Let it stay for 10-20 minutes and then wash your hair to get best results
- Use mixture of shikakai powder, henna (mehndi) powder, amla powder and curd as conditioner to get soft and silky hair
- Mix two whole eggs with four tablespoon of olive oil apply this mixture on your hair and leave it. Wash your hair after 20 minutes, you will find your hair slipping like silk after this.
- Try massaging your hair once in a week with aroma oils to make your hair silky and soft
- Rubbing your hair with hibiscus flower is also a good remedy for soft and silky hair. Soak hibiscus flower in water and then use the same for applying on your hair before hair wash.
- Make a mixture using amla powder, shikakai powder, ritha powder, henna powder, and bhringaraj powder in equal proportion. Add water to this mixture and heat this mixture. When the mixture becomes lukewarm apply gently on your hair. Leave this mixture on your hair for 15-20 minutes and wash your hair without using shampoo to get the best results
- Use mixture of mustard oil, curd and lemon to apply on your hair. Leave this mixture on your hair for half an hour and then wash it
- Use Aloe Vera gel with hair shampoo which is helpful to make it shiny and soft
- Apply boiled apple pulp or pour apple juice on your hair before washing
- Ensure that you have a balanced and protein rich diet which is essential for good, shiny and silky hair
- Always trim your hair after 3-4 months depending on your hair growth. This will help you to get rid of split ends and also maintain the texture of your hair
Facial Masks
For trouble-prone skin, mix oatmeal with water to form a paste.
For normal to oily skin, use an egg white.
For dry skin, use an egg yolk.
In all cases, spread mixture on face and allow to dry. Rinse thoroughly with cool water.
For oily skin, witch hazel makes an inexpensive toner.
For dry skin, you may want to add moisturizer while skin is still damp.
For dry skin, try:
an egg yolk mixed with olive oil and warmed honey
sour cream
plain olive oil
For oily skin:
dissolve a teaspoon of baking yeast in a small amount of warm milk, wait until foamy, then apply (best done in the bath tub);
puree flesh of a tomato and mix with some potato flour to make a paste;
cucumber (it will whiten your skin);
beaten egg whites with a few drops of lemon juice (great for getting rid of blackheads);
carrots (but don't use this one more than about every other week because it can overdry your skin). This one will make you look tanned.
Many fruits and vegetables can also be used to good effect. Anything acidic (lemon, strawberries, etc) will tend to whiten and refresh your skin, but you need to be careful if your skin is dry.
In general, don't apply masks more often than about twice a week, and try to vary the ingredients
For Normal/combination skin mix one egg and 1/2 cup cooked instant oatmeal and a teaspoon olive oil until smooth. Spread on your face and leave 15 min then rinse.
For dry skin, mix one egg yolk, one teaspoon honey and a teaspoon olive oil and some vitamin E oil if you have it. Smooth on and leave on for 15 min. , rinse in lukewarm water and pat dry. If your skin is a bit dry you can put a dab or two of either olive oil, or any other light oil, on your moist skin after washing or a mask and your face is set without the thousandz some people spend for the same look.
Turmeric Facial Mask
This is the traditional mask, also used for a bride, seven days in advance of marriage.
Take in a cup half a cup of besan (gram flour), 2 tsp of turmeric powder, 2 tsp of sandal wood powder, 2 tsp of ghee or almond oil, add some water to make a paste. Apply to face and whole body and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rub with pressure with both palms and fingers to remove all the paste.
Honey Facial Mask
Rinse your face with warm water to open up the pores. Apply honey and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores
Dry Skin Mask
Mix 1 tsp. of butter in 1 teaspoon of water. Apply it thoroughly into all the dry areas and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water,
Oatmeal Facial Mask
Take 2 tsp oatmeal and 1 tsp baking soda and add water to make paste. Apply to face and all over the skin and rub gently.
Facial Mask
Squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white. Apply on your face and leave for overnight. Wash your face with warm water.
Cucumber Facial
Use this facial to soothe and cleanse the skin. Some say cucumbers with lemon juice ease freckles. This recipe is certainly astringent. Cukes also contain a hormone thought to work against wrinkles. For best effect, apply after a shower or facial steaming. Be sure the skin is clean before you apply the mask.
2" chunk fresh cucumber, seeded, and pureed
1 tsp. witch hazel
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 egg white
1 tbsps. cream or plain yogurt
2 tsps. powdered milk

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Homemade Lotion
a very homemade moisturizer recipe to make one glass size of lotion, take half glass plain glycerin add 1/4 of the glass rose water and then add juice two lemons. Shake well and keep it in an air tight bottle. It's very good hand and body lotion

- take sum milk, heat it.....
add 2-3 spoons of vinegar......
the milk will be spoilt[doodh fat jaayegaa].....
now strain this spoilt milk....
u wud get white mass of raw paneer n water......
cool that water n wash ur hair with this water 2 times a week
- crush 2 aspirin tablets... add in ur shampoo...
n yr fav. shampoo is now aa anti dandruff shampoo
**** put 2 tablets in a bottle of 100 ml
- juz take fresh aloe vera gel... apply on scalp n leave for 20-30 mins
can be done 2-3 times a week
- curd also helps in dandruff.......
apply curd n keep for 20 mins...
wash off....
*****sum ppl find mixing sum honey or sugar in curd helps
- mixing lemon in curd or sum onion juice in curd also helps........
only onion juice also helps....
mix honey n lemon n then apply...... honey provides moisture n lemon removes the dandruff
if u mix sum banana in honey+lemon, u can use it as a hair pack
- juz add 2 tsp of vinegar in 1 litre water n rinse ur hair with this mix after washing...
do this only once a month...
or do it 2 times a week if u have severe dandruff
- common method 2 remove hair builders is....
baking soda....
sprinkle sum baking soda on ur scalp...
juz massage it gently with ur finger tips for 2-3 mins...
then wash off with water...
this one is good for oily scalp n hair...
coz this makes hair a bit dry
- take 100 ml of sweet almond oil.
20 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops cedarwood essential oil
10 drops Geranium essential oil
5 drops tea tree oil essential oil
5 drops bergamot essential oil
apply once a day, keep for an hour or two n then wash off.
i hope u see a difference in a week or 10 days
DO NOT GO OUT IN SUN, wen its applied. bergamot comes under photo toxics.
if it irritates u, or doesnt feel comfortable, please discontinue the use, n wash off.
to wash it off make sure to use cold water, do not use hot water. n follow with some aloe vera gel to sooth the scalp.
- in some cases listerine helps, becuz it has microbe killing properties.
but it wud help only if ur dandruff is fungal.
if the dandruff is caused due to other reasons, then it wont show any results.
method: shampoo ur hair, wash with water..take some listerine, rub in the scalp n roots. keep for 5-10 minuts. pour lot of water to rinse well. u can follow with a conditioner

Hair Care
- Slice okra (lady's finger) horizontally and boil. Let the brew become slimy as much as possible. Let it cool and add 5-6 drops of lemon. Use this liquid to wash your hair for your last rinse. Your hair will look youthful and have a natural and noticeable gloss to it.
- For shiny and lustrous hair...try applying a homemade packe of:
3 tps..Heena
2-egg yolks
2 tps- Dahi..
Soak heena in some boiled tea water overnight.Just before applying the pack add egg yolks and dahi..leave this for abt 45 min to an hr ( if you have dry scalp keep for abt 1/2 hr) then wash it off. Once you dry you hair massage your hair ans scalp with warm oil (could use almond,coconut ) leave it overnight..shampoo your hair the next day
Repeat this process every 15-20 days depending on the texture of your hair.
You'll see the results..
Also u can add dried methidana powder in this pack.. - take eggs depending on the length of ur hair and add honey to it and mix it until u get foamy mixture ... try using pure honey ... apply it to ur hair until it dries up it not only grows ur hair but makes them grow faster as well :) but its a 40 day course without any miss!! and then keep using it twice or thrice a week ... be careful not to break ur hair so brush ur hair several times 4 applying and divide them to starting from the roots
- mash eight strawberries with one table spoon mayonnaise.
massage into washed(means non oily), damp hair.
cover with shower cap, then with warm towel.
wash out with shapoo/conditioner combination.
this luscious mix of acidic berries(straw berries) will leave your hair both conditioned and with rich gloss - Use this serum.Grape extract + cucumber extract & apply it in scalp before washing.
After 10 minutes wash with a mild shampoo.Try Loreal' Sensi Balance.
After that condition it with Loreal' Anti Frizz serum.It'll work best - Simply mix , almond oil, olive oil and castor oil in equal proportions and apply to the hair once a week. Massage and wash off with a mild herbal shampoo to find new life in the hair. This will also protect the hair against sun damage in summers and damage due to extreme cold in winters. This is an all the year tonic for the hair
- 1 egg
40 ml of olive oil (aprox, a lil less than half of 100 ml bottle)
beat egg..
now add 10 ml of oil(aprox.)
blend again
add 10 ml.. beay again..
n continue like this.. till all the oil is finished..
u wud get a thick yellowish liquid..
apply this in ur hair for 1 hr..
n then wash normally - take olive oil n honey in 3:2
i.e. 3 spoons of olive oil with 2 spoons of honey...
increase the quantity depending on length of hair..
mix well
n apply.. for 20-30 mins..
wash normally - take one riped banana..
put it in blender n blend well..(dont mesh it with hand.. u wud have lumps which wud stick in ur hair)
now add sum almond oil approx 10 drops..
massage this mix in ur hair.. leave for 20-25 mins..
rinse n wash normally - take sum cream.. say around 10 spoons.. add one spoon of honey in it..
now massage this in ur hair..
let it sit for 15 mins..
wash off normally with shampoo n follow wid congitiner - soak fenugreek (methi) seeds in water for one night.
in morning make its paste in a blender.
n apply on ur hair.. keep for 20 mins..
n wash off normally...
this pack is gud for dandruff, hair loss, hair fall, thin hair, n split ends too - 1 banana
1 egg
5-6 spoons of honey
3 spoons of milk
miz all the things in blender..
apply on hair.. wait for 20 mins. then wash off
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Facial Care
- Add a pintch off turmeric powder to alov-vera. Apply it on face and neck And remove with cold water after 20 mins.
- Add a tea-spoon of turmeric power to some milk (withut cream)deep some cotton balls (6 appx.) in itKeep it in fridgeclean your face with it every morning
- 2 spoon besan, 1 tea spoon chandan (sandalwood powder), 1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder and mink or rose water (whatever you perfer)apply it for 20 mins
- Mix two teaspoons of sandalwood powder and two teaspoons of water to obtain a smooth paste. Apply to your face, avoiding the eye and lip area. Let the mask dry (about 15-20 minutes). Rinse with warm water, using fingertips to gently loosen the mask. Do not scrub skin while removing - especially if you have acne - as it will aggravate troubled spots. Once the mask is removed, splash face with cold water to tighten pores. Your skin will be left feeling soft, smooth and refreshed.
Then clean ur face with face wash or cleansing milk. Pat dry. Take steam for 5mins or so. Now vigorously apply honey over ur face and neck. Keep it for 15 minutes only. Now wash off with cold water. - Crush a handful of strawberries and mix well with 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to face and let set for about 15 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
Mix 1 1/2 teaspoons honey, the juice from 1/2 of a lemon, and 1 small carton plain yogurt. Stir in 1 whipped egg white. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
- Puree 1/2 peeled, sliced cucumber in a blender or food processor and add 1 tablespoon yogurt. Apply to face and let set about 20 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
u can follow this with banana, papaya, tomato with equal affect
- Separate the egg white from the yolk. Put the egg white on your face and relax for about 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. This facial mask leaves your skin smooth, refreshed and tightens your skin.
- Mix the following ingredients into a paste, apply and leave it for 15 minutes.
1 tablespoon powdered brewer's yeast
1/2 tablespoon yogurt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon orange juice
1 teaspoon carrot juice
1 teaspoon olive oil
This mask is suitable for all types of skin, particularly if they feel tired and look sluggish or spotty. If the skin is very dry add more oil, and if very oily leave it out. The yogurt cleanses the skin thoroughly and fruits juices provide vitamins and minerals - Saffron Masque
Orange peel
Red split lentils( laal daal / daal Masoor)
Rose, Papaya or Aloe Vera for extra potency
Method of use:
Blend all the above given ingredients nicely. Take about 1/2 tsp. (or as required) of blended paste and add a few drops of water (preferably rose water) to make a thick paste. For dry skins, milk may be used as an alternative to water.
After cleansing your face, apply with brush (or fingers) in upward and outward direction over face and neck, avoiding the eyes.
Let the masque dry.
Apply water to make the masque damp and rub it gently in small circular motion for about a minute.
Wash off and pat dry. You may apply moisturizer if required - FACE POLISH/SKIN POLISH
Honey 1 tea spoon
Dry Milk 1 tea spoon
Baisin 1 tea spoon
Haldi a pinch
Lemon juice ½ tea spoon
If you have dry skin, mix the paste with glycerin. If oily skin, mix with rose water. Apply on face and neck for 10- 15 minutes and then wash off. - WHITENING MASK
Ground Almond with skin 1 tea spoon
Jaw ka Atta 1 tea spoon
Almond oil ¼ tea spoon
Rose water as required to make a paste
Khash Khash 1 tea spoon
Mix all ingredients and make paste using rose water. Keep for a few minutes then take off while rubbing gently.
Turmeric powder a pinch
Cucumber juice 1 tea spoon
Clay powder as required to make a paste
Almond oil as required for massaging
To make cucumber juice, take cucumber and grind with little water. Mix turmeric powder and cucumber juice, if you suffer from acne then add clay powder. Apply to face and neck. Wipe out and then massage with almond oil.
Unwanted Hair
- Make a paste of egg white, corn flour, and sugar and apply on area, let it dry and after it has been dried, pull the transparent layer formed by the paste against the direction of hair
- After threading, waxing or any other way of hair removal, apply alum on the area, u can either take alum powder and mix it with water, use cotton to apply on the skin. You can also directly wet a piece of alum (phitkari) and rub it on the area. It weakens hair roots so please avoid its touching with areas like ur eye brows and eyelashes etc.
- Take a tablespoon of sugar and wet it with lemon juice, use it on the area from where you have removed the hair (at least 24 hours gap should be taken i.e. if u have threaded, waxed or epilated today, apply this paste the next day). Apply on the area and gently exfoliate through the skin, continue circular motion on the skin until the paste gets all sticky...continue for 15 mins and wash off.
- If your scrub your areas of the body with basin+milk, which are to be waxed before waxing really makes your skin glow.
Black Heads
- Mix Sugar and Turmeric in equal quantities and make a paste with water. Apply on ur nose and wash after dried
- Mix Baking soda with water and make a paste, apply on nose, let it dry and wash off.