(1)Use a mixture of raw potato juice and cucumber juice in equal quantity, dip cotton pads in it and place them over your eyes for 20 mins everyday. It will definitely help.
(2) Take a spoon of fresh cream of raw / unboiled milk beat it for a while and mix some drops of lemon in it and apply it to your dark circles .Leave it for 2-3 mins. After that gently massage it with your ring fingers till it dries and then rub it off & rinse off with luke warm water. Use it daily.
(3) Gently dab the area around your eyes with a pad of absorbent cotton, soaked in tea (without milk and sugar)
(4) Massage a mix of almond oil with few drops of Viatamin E oil under eye at bedtime.
(4) Drink one glass of carrot juice daily
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Monday, February 9, 2009
Dark Circles
8:07 AM

dark circles,