For Acne and Acne Marks:
-regulalry change ur pillow cases and dont touch your face with hands or nails. keep your towels and other accessories separate.
-drink lots of water and try to eat fresh fruits, juices, vegs and non oily foods.
-Normally, pimples and acne are associated with an oily skin. In case these occur on a dry skin then this is the ideal treatment. Take a few tomatoes and puree them. Freeze the puree into cubes (in an ice cube tray). Store these frozen tomato ice cubes in a bag or a container in the freezer. During the day, apply one cube each on either cheek, all the time rubbing gently. Repeat the treatment everday. A very effective way of getting rid of pimples.
-always use water base creams for face and dont use soap as it is harsh for skin. my own kitchen remedy for acne is which is quite effective too, take one egg white and add some powdered champhore in it apply it gently over ur skin and then leave it to dry and afterwards wash your face with luke warm water it will help a will also help you tighten your pores.
-Rub raw garlic on the face. It even removes the scars on repeated application. Garlic Juice with 3 parts water is an excellent cleansing agent.
-Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.
-To help diminish the appearance of Tan complexion,acne scars, freckles and age spots, gently rub a cut lemon and 1/2 teaspoon sugar granules over the skin for a few minutes. Repeat at least thrice a week until the darkened areas fade.
My thoughts & opinions; general views about the society. Makeup and beauty articles. Women Lifestyle and daily routine guide. Cosmetic reviews and beauty tips. Health & Lifestyle advice. Nails, face, eyes and lips makeup.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Get Rid of Acne
7:37 AM

Get Fair & Clear Skin
- Mix banana with honey and apply on ur face and massage for 10 min.Then leave it for 10 min and wash ur face.Do it everday it not only makes ur skin fair it also makes it very clear.U can see the results within 10 days.
- Boil finely chopped apple in qtr cup milk.Apply it on ur face & keep it for 10 min evrday.You may feel bit oily intially but it gives you very clear skin and makes ur skin very soft.
- 1.Cleanse your face with Cleansing cream or Milk.
2.Apply apricot or papaya ever youth scrub and massage your face for 10 min.
3.Take a steam for 5 min.
4.Wash your face.
5.Finally massage your face with any of these fruits depending upon ur skin like papaya,Bannana,Orange & kep it for 10 min.
6.Then wash your face.
Do this once in a week,it removes all the dirt and makes ur skin fresh and fair
- Beetroot - 1(peeled)
Banana - 1
Honey - 2Tbsp
Grind all the ingredients into fine paste. Cleanse your face and neck and apply it for 30mins
- lemon juice(fresh)
mix them in equal quantities n apply them on yur face for 10-15 mins really works wonder
7:24 AM