Make a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and glycerin and apply it on the spots
Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.
Apply a mixture of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used
Grind dried basil leaf, neem and mint (100 gm each). Add some turmeric powder and rose water to make it in a paste form and apply it on the spots.
Grind betel leaf and add a little coconut oil and apply it on the spots
Soak a chappathi in milk overnight . Make it into a paste and apply it on black heads. Repeat for several days
Make a paste of saffron and add some honey , apply it on the face to remove black spots.
To remove black spots... apply a paste of turmeric and basil.
To remove wrinkles on the face, apply a mixture of sandalwood powder, rosewater and glycerin. Wash with cold water after some time
My thoughts & opinions; general views about the society. Makeup and beauty articles. Women Lifestyle and daily routine guide. Cosmetic reviews and beauty tips. Health & Lifestyle advice. Nails, face, eyes and lips makeup.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Facial Spot Remover

Facial hair removal
For facial hair removal: To turn hair golden brown, apply before bedtime a paste of 2 teaspoon fresh lime juice and ½ teaspoon sugar, 3-4 times a week for 2 months.
For facial hair removal: Mix turmeric powder with milk and apply on the face. Scrub it off slowly moving your fingers in circular motion, and then wash with cold water.
For facial hair removal: Blend one egg white with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of corn flour until it becomes a sticky paste. Apply the mixture to your face. When it dries gently peel it off. Repeat this 3-4 times a week.
For facial hair removal: Apply a mask of a paste made of sugar, lemon and water in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.
For facial hair removal: Apply a mask of a mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and 4 teaspoons honey in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.
Dry mascara/eye liner
put one drop of olive oil in the mascara bottle and shake
- put the bottle bottom in hot water
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ten Surprising uses of aspirin
- To remove perspiration stains from white T-shirts, dissolve two aspirins in half a cup of warm water and apply to the area of the fabric where the stain is. This should be left for a couple of hours before washing.
- Has your hair ever gone yellow or green from chlorine in a swimming pool? This can be remedied very quickly by dissolving 8 aspirin tablets in a glass of water and rubbing the resulting liquid into your hair. Leave for about ten minutes and then rinse it out. Shampoo in the usual way.
- First aid for pimples: Crush an aspirin tablet and add a little water to make a paste. Cover the pimple with this paste and after a few minutes rinse it off. The pimple will be less red and reduced in size. Aspirin is an astringent.
- Drop a soluble aspirin tablet into the water before arranging cut flowers in a vase. It helps to keep them fresh for longer.
- To treat dandruff, crush two aspirin tablets and add them to your usual shampoo. Leave on the hair for a couple of minutes and rinse as normal.
- Mosquito bites can be eased by wetting the skin and rubbing an aspirin over the spot.
- Bee stings can be treated in the same way but any adverse reaction to the sting should be reported to a doctor.
- Gardeners can treat fungal soil infections by dissolving an aspirin tablet in a liter of water and using the mixture to treat the soil. Don’t make this mixture too strong if using around plants as it may burn the leaves.
- Aspirin can also be mixed with potting compost in the greenhouse, or garden, to prevent fungus forming around the roots of new plants.
- Take some fresh lemon juice and mix it with a soluble aspirin to make a mixture that will remove grass stains, nicotine stains, etc from hands.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Glowing Skin
1) Mix of besan and milk w/ a pinch of haldi.
2) Mix of honey and fav.
3) Exfoliating using sugar and lemon juice.
4) Mix of glycerine and rose water at night....really makes your skin soft and supple.
Honey Cleansing Scrub
Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons finely ground almonds and 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice. Rub gently onto face. Rinse off with warm water.
Firming Face Mask
Whisk together 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon glycerin (available at drug and beauty stores) and enough flour to form a paste (approximately 1/4 cup). Smooth over face and throat. Leave on 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Smoothing Skin Lotion
Mix 1 teaspoon honey with 1 teaspoon vegetable oil and 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice. Rub into hands, elbows, heels and anywhere that feels dry. Leave on 10 minutes. Rinse off with water.
Skin Softening Bath
Add 1/4 cup honey to bath water for a fragrant, silky bath.
Hair Shine
Stir 1 teaspoon honey into 4 cups (1 quart) warm water. Blondes may wish to add a squeeze of lemon. After shampooing, pour mixture through hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as normal
sweet honey of a bath formula
Herbalists have praised honey as a beauty aid for centuries with very good reason. It is a terrific humectant–meaning it helps our skin to retain moisture, making it softer and smoother, and rejuvenating our appearance.
When we invite the golden sweetness of honey into our tub, it becomes a skin-nourishing treat for body and soul. Let the bees show you the way to smoother, fresher-looking skin:
2 tablespoons honey
1 cup hot water
2 drops lavender essential oil (optional)
1. Dissolve the honey in the hot water, then add essential oil and stir to mix.
2. Pour mixture into bathwater and soak for 10 to 15 minutes
more abut honey
Make a moisturizing mask with 1 tsp of honey, 1 egg yolk, ½ tsp almond oil and 1 tsp yoghurt. Apply on your face, neck and other parts of your body. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse off with water. You skin will feel moisturized and polished with tightened pores.
- For the silky-smooth skin, mix ¼ cup of honey and 3 tsp of rosewater. Apply to face, neck avoiding sensitive areas around the eye. Massage well and rinse with lukewarm water and enjoy the sensation of an all different skin.
- Open the pores on your face by place a cloth dipped in warm water. Smear honey on your face for 20-30 minutes. Rinse first with warm water and then cold water to close the pores.
- Indulge your skin with the paste of 1 tsp of honey, 1 egg white, 1 tsp glycerin and flour. Smooth it over your face, throat, leaving it on for 10 minutes and then washing it off with warm water. Your skin will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
- 4 tbsp of whole milk powder and 2 tbsp of honey make an excellent baby bath.
Facial Hair
For regularly keep honey and little bit of lemon mixed paste apply on ur face .......
And leave on 20 min.......
Honey = turns ur hair into colourless
And lemon= it bleach our skin deeply
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Static Cling