Monday, November 7, 2016

Liebster Award - [Discover New Blogs] - Who is "The Girl in Pink"!!!

The Liebster Award is an online award given to bloggers by other bloggers that helps spread the love that we all so desperately desire. Liebster is a German word that translates to “dearest” so getting nominated for this is bound to give you a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Liebster Award

These are the rules:
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link them back.
  • Answer the set of 11 Questions they give you
  • Nominate Other 5-11 Bloggers.
  • Tell the bloggers they’ve been nominated.
  • Give them their own set of 11 Questions to be answered
  • Show off this award on your blog using the official image

First of all i would like to thanks Ammarah Blog for nominating me and for giving me a great set of questions. It was like being interviewed and I love giving interviews ;)
Below are my answers:

🌿 Describe yourself in 2 line.
Well, as mentioned in my "About Me" section - I am a girl with so many switching roles in a single day. I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, corporate professional, blogger, writer, and a creative soul.

🌿 Whats your favorite song right now?
As such I don't believe in favorite songs because they keep coming and your choice changes. But an all time favorite would be "Aadmi musaafir hai"

🌿 If you have to choose between skincare or makeup which one you whill choose and why?
Honestly, I want to say makeup as I am a colorful girl and love the color cosmetics. But I know that you can not look beautiful unless you have good skin underneath your makeup. So if I have to choose skincare OR makeup; i will choose skincare :)

🌿 Who is your favorite actress?
There are many actresses I like, Bushra Ansari, Maria Wasti, Anne Hathaway, Kareena kapoor, Priyanka chopra are few of them.

🌿 What inspire you to become beauty blogger?
My obsession with skincare & makeup inspired me to do so. As many of my friends and colleagues were often asking me for opinions and stuff so I thought I should start a blog and start sharing my knowledge with others on a bigger platform.

🌿 Beauty holy grail product ?
I would say Health & Beauty holy grail product for me would be: Aloe Vera Gel :)

🌿 Your favorite beauty vlogger?
I follow many beauty vloggers, in fact I have a whole post of my favorite ladies here.

🌿 5 must have makeup products?
Not sure if i have to mention brands here or only the products. But I will mention only the products so that everyone can relate to the answer.
- BB Cream
- Lipstick
- Eyebrow Pencil
- Mascara
- Eyeliner

🌿 Whats your favorite food?
French Fries :P, Bar-be-cue. I love Pakistani food :)

🌿 Eyeliner or mascara and lip balm or lip gloss?
For me it would be eyeliner & lip gloss

🌿 Beauty tip you want to give to all your followers?
Take lots and lots of water, focus on natural products instead of too much chemical stuff. And no matter how you feel, get up; dress up & make up! You will feel better :) 

Okayyy so these were my answers to the questions, now my turn to nominate some bloggers. I nominate the below wonderful ladies for this award:

My 11 questions from these lovely ladies are below:

  1. What inspired you to become a beauty blogger?
  2. Which is your favorite makeup item and why?
  3. What skincare item do you consider most important and why?
  4. How do you find time to blog with your daily routine?
  5. What is your best personality trait according to yourself?
  6. How important is makeup know-how for a girl in today's age according to you?
  7. Share one basic beauty ritual which you do everyday
  8. Describe your quick daily makeup routine in 3 lines
  9. Which product application took you the longest to learn
  10. How important are makeup brushes in a perfect makeup application
  11. Which is your favorite beauty salon in Islamabad and why?
Looking forward to answers of all the lovely ladies on their blogs.