Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Biggest Skincare Sins

Skincare is a tricky business. You try and try and try millions of expensive and costly  products while the secret of glowing skin lies in simple and less costly ways. There are some ways which are really cost effective YET very beneficial for your skin. You can make a daily routine to follow some basic and simple steps and your skin will feel better in a matter of days. Following are some of the skincare sins I have personally learnt through my own experience; thought you might be interested in knowing what my experience says:

  1. Skipping a sunblock: By far the most crucial thing for your skin is a proper sunblock. I personally never considered it something useful until I just visited a dermatologist for a few spots on my face and she told me that my skin was heavily sun damaged (I used to think my skin is quite better than the others till then :P, however she proved me wrong). I started feeling better with my skin in two days of starting the sunblock. If you are not sure which sunblock you should use, try going to a dermatologist and ask him/her which sunblock would suit your skin type. Please note that using the wrong sunblock for your skin might lead to adverse effects on your skin instead of positive. So its a quite critical decision on which sunblock to choose. I have noticed myself that whenever i skip my sunblock for a number of days my skin starts deteriorating. In fact I myself skipped the sunblock for about a month being lazy and noticed my skin was getting worse and worse. I was not sure what was causing the problem and was thinking of taking an appointment with a skin doctor. I just started my sunblock out of nowhere the same days and noticed improvement in my skin in 3-4 days. Then I realized that the whole problem with my skin was due to inapplication of the sunblock. I can go on and on about the usefulness of a sunblock but I guess this is enough :p
  2. Drinking Less Water: Water makes up 70% of your body and is an essential requirement of your body tissues. You should at least be drinking 8 glasses of water per day. My own skin has started feeling much better ever since i have improved my water intake. In absence of proper water intake, your skin is dry, your face and eyes might feel puffy and swollen due to the increased mineral ratio in your body and lesser water. Make at least 6-8 glasses of water a part of your daily life and see how your skin glows.
  3. No Cleansing: Another skincare sin will be NOT cleansing your skin. Experts suggest that you should be cleansing twice a day everyday but I personally cleanse once a day so I would recommend that. You can use any Good Quality cleanser and cleanse before you go to sleep as night is the time when your skin repairs and rejuvenates itself.
So what do you think girls, do you want to add to my list of skincare sins? Please share your thoughts...