Saturday, July 11, 2015

Caring For your Nails !!!

Hi girls … today I m going to share a few easy tips with you regarding your nail care. I don’t want to share too complex tips which would consume your time and u end up ignoring them.

So without much further a do… lets see what the tips are:

  • Add proteins and calcium to your diet – you can eat multivitamins for this purpose or you can eat the natural foods which contain these elements and therefore improve your overall health AND your nails …  isnt it cool !
  • Who doesn’t like french fries … we all do right? Next time you make your french fries, don’t peel off the skin … eat those with the skin on… potato’s skin is rich in nutrients which are good for your nails & skin
  • Massage olive oil/coconut oil on your cuticles and nails every night (OR at least twice a week) – you will see the difference in few weeks.
  • Use lemon skin peel on your discolored or stained nails
  • Nail polish removers mostly contain Acetone – which is a solvent best for dissolving nail polish, but it dries out your skin and nails. Try using acetone free nail polish remover if you have sensitive skin. Or if you need quick nail polish remover and cant avoid acetone; make sure you moisturize your skin before and after nail polish remover.
  • Use a hand cream every night before sleeping


These were few of the easy tips to take care of your nails, I have tried my best to make sure these are not very difficult to do so that every one of you can try them out. Do let me know if you have other easy tips.

Friday, July 3, 2015

DIY Hair Mask–Almost Natural!!!

Hi ladies; pollution and all sorts of hair products are definitely damaging our hair more than we know and think … and no matter how many heat protectants and market purchased hair treatments we buy and apply on our hair; I personally feel that’s just putting way more chemicals into our hair overall – Of course we can always go to beauty salons to get hair treatments done but again too many chemicals and the money issues as well – hehe – of course we girls want the best output at the lowest possible expense : ) this is why I m always looking for some home based treatments for the hair in which I am [ALMOST] fully aware of the ingredients thus totally reducing the chance of putting more chemicals on my head … I have found the below treatment very useful for the hair and thought to share with you girls out there. Here it goes girls …


Following are the basic items you will need for this treatment; some of these are already available at your home normally:
  1. Your conditioner – half cup – no specific brand; whichever one u use; its better if it is organic – well this is the part which is the ALMOST chemical bit here : P
  2. 1 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  3. 1 cup Coconut Oil
  4. 1 table spoon Organic Honey


Procedure is simple:
  1. Heat Olive Oil, Coconut oil and honey and mix them well. Don’t boil these but bring it to a warm temperature
  2. Mix it with the conditioner and then use a hand blender or machine blender to mix it well.
  3. Allow it to cool to a temperature which is bearable and apply to your hair
  4. Cover your head with a plastic shower cap
  5. Keep it for at least 1 hour and then wash off. You may also keep it overnight [I am guilty of doing this but hey its upto you ; ) ]
You may try this three times a week if your hair are really very dry; gradually you will come to see how it affects your hair and u will know how often you need it.
this was all from my side today, do you experts have any tips/hair masks of your own – do share in the comments below so we can all try them out. After all, sharing is caring :D Ciao!!!

**Disclaimer: The picture in the post does not belong to me. I have added it for visual purposes. The original copyrights remain with the original site